Kimberley C. Lamb
As Director of Bedfordshire’s Violence and Exploitation Reduction Unit (VERU) Kimberley is responsible for the strategic and organisational coordination, development of practices, policies and innovative approaches within the VERU, needed to achieve long term sustainable change around violent crime and exploitation throughout the county of Bedfordshire. Kimberley is an experienced youth justice professional with extensive knowledge of inter- agency working, strategic partnerships - specialising in helping to build thriving communities. Kimberley has 30+ years’ experience of working in education, the criminal justice system, the third sector and private corporations. Over the last 20 years Kimberley has held managerial positions, with a specific and targeted focus on supporting vulnerable and marginalised communities.
Since creating the VERU from a standing start in 2019, Kimberley has ensured that she continues to utilise the complimentary skills and experiences that she has acquired from her other roles e.g. Kimberley was former Head of Victim Services for Bedfordshire Police, ex-Vice Chair of Bedfordshire’s Community Stop and Search Scrutiny Panel and most recently worked as a delivery lead for the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC), developing the national policing strategy for Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). Kimberley is currently Chair of Governors for a Bedfordshire school, a Workstream Lead for Bedfordshire Police’s Race Action Plan and member of British Transport Police’s Strategic Independent Advisory Group (SIAG).